After signing the Paris Agreement, Switzerland is committed to driving an ambitious decarbonizationclimate strategy – to have net-zero greenhouse emissions by 2050. By that means, Switzerland will become completely carbon neutral. Now the public and private sectors have a task ahead to invest in green-tech innovations to find solutions to the climate challenges ahead.
The Swiss Climate Strategy
The target covers all greenhouse gases like methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) besides CO2. And it does not forget to apply to all sectors from the economy – from agriculture to industrial production. When it comes to the land transport sector, the target is not to generate any more greenhouse gas emissions in 2050, with few exceptions. As pointed in their Long-term Climate Strategy, the country considers the net-zero target attainable, thanks to its solid clean-tech sector and innovative research institutions.
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Promising innovations to impact transport
What makes Switzerland’s strategy interesting is its openness to all types of technology. Let’s have a look at how these innovations can have an impact on the decarbonization in transport sector!
1. Green hydrogen – a promising fuel alternative
The alpine country is devising a roadmap together with six other EU countries to produce green hydrogen. The hydrogen derived from renewable sources is a promising alternative to fossil fuels. Instead of emitting CO2, a hydrogen-powered vehicle releases water vapour into the atmosphere. Switzerland is testing the group on producing green hydrogen by breaking down water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Then, the hydrogen goes to filling stations in special containers. Heavy power vehicles will use green hydrogen as fuel. Although the costs are still high, it is possible to store hydrogen for the long term.
2. A floating solar plant
Another innovation that Switzerland is driving is the world’s first high-altitude floating solar power plant. The plant is located at a hydroelectric reservoir of 1,810 meters above sea level. The high altitude ensures the full use of the plant as the sunlight has a hard time passing the clouds in the winter. Despite facing extreme weather conditions, it generates 50% more electricity than a power plant in fields. Impressive, isn’t it?
Did you know? 2WIN trucks have solar panels that supply energy for the electrical equipment.
3. Compostable batteries
We often see technology as a tool that can help us become resource-efficient. For example, IoT devices send real-time data to increase visibility in supply chains. But, as the use of these devices grows, so does the number of batteries, impacting the environment.
Researchers developed a biodegradable mini-capacitor from carbon, glycerin, and table salt printed on a 3D printer. When you wish to discard the battery, you can leave it in nature or compost it. The battery will disintegrate after two months.
4. Turning CO2 into minerals
While we often talk about reducing CO2 emissions, there are ways of removing carbon dioxide, so complete decarbonization of the air. Scientists use the term ‘negative emissions’ to refer to carbon removal from the atmosphere.
But how can you remove CO2? A simple way is to plant forests, as trees capture CO2 during photosynthesis and store it in their roots and branches. Another alternative to achieve that is to filter ambient air and collect carbon dioxide inject it underground. A Swiss company Climeworks is launching a CO2 removal plant in Iceland to transform the CO2 into carbonate minerals.
Ready 2WIN?
Emons Cargo 2WIN has heavily invested in technology to help you understand the impact of your supply chain on the environment. From alternative fuel to supply chain optimization, we improve operational performance to lessen the impact on the environment with high-cost savings. Let’s take the greener road together!

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