Does Emons Cargo also provide partload or Less Than Truckload (LTL) service?
No, Emons Cargo only provides a Full Truck Load service.
Does Emons Cargo use track and trace?
Yes, each truck is equipped with a board computer that provides status and GPS data. This way, we can constantly monitor our trucks and keep you updated on your shipments progress.
Can you drive into a 2WIN trailer?
No, but each 2WIN trailer has its own electric pallet truck that is used by our driver to load/unload.
How are you able to load the goods from a loading dock onto the upper or lower deck of the 2WIN trailer?
Each trailer is equipped with a tail lift to overcome the height difference between dock and loading decks of the 2WIN trailer.
Can I receive frequent updates from Emons Cargo concerning expected arrival?
Yes, our customer service department is appointed to monitor your shipment and update you on expected time arrival.
Is Pallet Exchange applied by Emons Cargo?
No, Emons does not provide Pallet Exchange service.
Are the offered transport prices all in?
The offered transport price is all in excluding the fuel surcharge. This is sent to our customer on the first day of each month.
Are the goods insured during transport?
Your goods are insured during execution of the transport against the common used CMR conditions.
Can we agree upon a fixed loading/unloading day and time?
If required, a fixed loading and or unloading day and time can be agreed upon.
Does the transport service include loading and unloading of the cargo?
Our drivers are responsible for carrying out loading and unloading operations.
How many pallets can be loaded into a 2WIN double deck trailer?
Each 2WIN trailer can load:
- 50 – 54 Euro pallets
- 39 – 40 Industry (block) pallets
What is the maximum cargo height allowance in a 2WIN double deck trailer?
Pallets or roll containers/cages can be maximum 180 cm (71'') high.
What is the maximum weight of a pallet that is loaded in a 2WIN trailer?
The maximum pallet weight is 400 kgs per euro pallet and 500 kgs per industry (block) pallet.
Is the 2WIN double deck solution beneficial for any type of goods?
No, the 2WIN doble deck solution is beneficial for palletised loads with dimensions between 130 and 180 cm and a weight of maximum 400 kg.
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